Bragging rights, top chef trophy, traveling plaque/trophy and $150.00 prize in each category. First 10 entries that sign up and arrive receive a climb apron. Email [email protected] to enter. We provide chafing racks, sterno, bowls, forks, napkins and bread. You provide the food in a banquet style tray (usually 2-3 trays).
- Climb Cook Off Winners
- Year Chicken Riggies Utica Greens
- 2017 Oriskany FD - Valentine Oriskany FD- Buornat
- 2018 Whitesboro FD - Ryan NY Mills FD- Edick
- 2019 Fort Mill SC FD - Stephens NY Mills FD- Edick
- 2020 - COVID SUCKS
- 2021 - Westmoreland/Station 233 Whitesboro FD- Ryan
- 2019 Fort Mill SC FD - Stephens NY Mills FD- Edick
- 2018 Whitesboro FD - Ryan NY Mills FD- Edick
Register to submit your dish by emailing [email protected] with name, phone, agency and dish
2019 Competitors
Agency Dish Chef
NY Mills FD Greens Corinia Edick (DEFENDING TITLE)
NY Mills FD Riggies Kathryn Purcell
Cedarville FD Greens Dan Coffin
Oriskany FD Riggies Julie Behr
Frankfort FD Riggies Kyle Stephens
West Lyden Riggies Tracy Szewil
Barneveld FD Riggies Brian Healy
2018 Competitors **= Cook off champ
Oriskany FD Riggies Chef Karen Valentine Did not compete
Port Lyden Riggies Chef Tracy Szewill
Newport FD Riggies Chef Dave Jones Did not compete
Oriskany FD Greens Chef Daryl Buornat
Sauquoit FD Riggies Chef Brian Callahan Did not compete
Whitesboro FD Riggies ** Chef TJ Ryan
Cedarville FD Riggies Chef Dan Coffin
Midway, SC FD Riggies Chef David Kozak Did not compete
NY Mills FD Riggies/Greens** Chef Kathryn Purcell / Corina Edick
2017 Competitors **= Cook off champ
Agency Greens/Chicken Riggies Chef
Oriskany FD Greens** Daryl Buornat
Oriskany FD Riggies Jacob Mayo
Boonville FD Riggies and Greens Kyle Gyurko Did not compete
Stanwix FD Riggies Mary Townsend
Port Lyden Riggies Tracy Szewill
Oriskany FD Riggies Laura Cigline
Oriskany FD Riggies*** and Greens Karen Valentine